Select the correct answer from the choice in brackets.
- The vapour density of the fifth member of the homologous series of alkanes. [22/36/29]
- The isomer of pentane which has '1' C atom attached to '4' other C atoms [n-/iso-/neo-] pentane.
- The IUPAC name of the product of reaction of ethylene with hydrogen bromide, [ethyl bromide/bromoethane/dibromoethane]
- The IUPAC name of methyl acetylene. [1-butyne/propyne/ethyne]
- The functional group in ethanoic acid. [aldehydic/carboxyl/hydroxyl]
Organic Chemistry
- 36
- neo-pentane
- bromoethane
- propyne
- carboxyl
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- Pent-1-ene
- But-2-yne
- 3-methyl pentane
- 2-methyl-prop-1-ene
- Pentan-3-ol
- 1, 1, 2, 2 tetrabromoethane
- 2-methyl butan-2-ol
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- 2, 2 dimethyl propane
- 2-bromo-4-chloro pentane
Give balanced equations for the following conversions:
Select from the letters A to G the correct answer corresponding to the statements from 1 to 5 :
A : Ammoniacal CuCl2
B : Trichloromethane
C : Trichloroethane
D : Bromine soln.
E : Aqueous KOH
F : Ethene
G : Sodalime
H : Ethanol
I : Ethyne- The organic compound which forms carbon tetrachloride on reaction with chlorine.
- The reagent which can distinguish between ethene and ethyne.
- The substance which reacts with bromoethane to give ethanol.
- The substance which gives bromoethane on reaction with hydrogen bromide.
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