Give the main uses of –
(i) Methane
(ii) Ethane
(iii) Ethene
(iv) Ethyne
(v) Ethanol
(vi) Ethanoic acid.
Organic Chemistry
(i) Uses of Methane:
- Methane is used as a domestic fuel.
- Methane is used in the preparation of useful compounds like ethyne (acetylene), methanal (formal-dehyde), methanol, chloro-methane and tetrachloro-methane (carbon tetrachloride).
- Methane is a source of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
(ii) Uses of Ethane:
- Ethane is used as a gaseous and automobile fuel.
- Ethane is used in the preparation of ethene, ethanol, ethanal (acetaldehyde) and ethanoic acid (acetic acid).
- It forms ethyl chloride which is used to make tetraethyllead. 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane is one solvent that is used a lot in dry cleaning.
(iii) Uses of Ethene:
- Production of oxy-ethylene torch — For welding purposes and cutting metals.
- Ripening of green fruits — Artificial ripening and preservation of fruits.
- Catalytic hydrogenation — Used in hardening of oils.
- Manufacture of —
- Synthetic chemicals — Ethylene glycol [anti-freeze], di-ethyl ether [solvent], ethylene oxide [fumigant], mustard gas [chemical warfare],
- Polymers — Polyetheylene, polyvinyl chloride [P.V.C.]- used in packaging, insulators, containers, rain coats etc.
(iv) Uses of Ethyne:
- Production of oxy-acetylene torch — for welding and cutting metals [flame temp. 3500°C] .
- Ripening of green fruits — Artificial ripening and preservation of fruits.
- Manufacture of organic compounds — Acetic acid, Acetaldehyde, Acetylene dichloride, Ethyl alcohol, Oxalic acid.
- Manufacture of synthetic products — Polymers, synthetic rubbers and fibres.
(v) Uses of Ethanol:
- It is a good solvent for gums and resins.
- It is used in thermometers and as a preservative for biological specimens due to its low freezing point.
- It is used in the manufacture of chemicals such as chloroform, iodoform, ether, acetic acid and synthetic products like dyes, esters (perfumes), antiseptics, preservatives.
- Ethyl alcohol is used in alcoholic drinks like whisky, wine and beer.
- As a fuel in powdered form and as an antifreeze for automobile radiators.
(vi) Uses of Ethanoic acid:
- In manufacture of important organic compounds — Vinyl acetate [used in resins], acetic anhydride [used in aspirin], cellulose acetate [used in synthetic fibres], various dyes, perfumes and medicines.
- In the food industry — Vinegar for preserving and flavouring food.
- As a solvent — It dissolves phosphorous, sulphur, iodine, resins, cellulose, etc.
- As a laboratory reagent — It is used for preparing acetone, esters, etc.
- As a coagulant — For coagulating rubber from latex.
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