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Select from the letters A to G the correct answer corresponding to the statements from 1 to 5 :

   A : Ammoniacal CuCl2
   B : Trichloromethane
   C : Trichloroethane
   D : Bromine soln.
   E : Aqueous KOH
   F : Ethene
   G : Sodalime
   H : Ethanol
   I : Ethyne

  1. The organic compound which forms carbon tetrachloride on reaction with chlorine.
  2. The reagent which can distinguish between ethene and ethyne.
  3. The substance which reacts with bromoethane to give ethanol.
  4. The substance which gives bromoethane on reaction with hydrogen bromide.
  5. The substance which reacts with acetic acid to give CH3COOC2H5

Organic Chemistry



  1. The organic compound which forms carbon tetrachloride on reaction with chlorine. — B : Trichloromethane
  2. The reagent which can distinguish between ethene and ethyne. — A : Ammoniacal CuCl2
  3. The substance which reacts with bromoethane to give ethanol. — E : Aqueous KOH
  4. The substance which gives bromoethane on reaction with hydrogen bromide. — F : Ethene
  5. The substance which reacts with acetic acid to give CH3COOC2H5 — H : Ethanol

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