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History & Civics

With reference to the picture given here answer the questions that follow:

Identify the person. Which sect of the Muslims was headed by him? What role did he have in the Deputation that waited upon the Viceroy Lord Minto in 1906? What assurance did the Viceroy give to the Delegation? What role did the Muslim League play in its early years? Muslim League and its Objectives, Apc Modern History and Civics Solutions ICSE Class 10.

(a) Identify the person.

(b) Which sect of the Muslims was headed by him?

(c) What role did he have in the Deputation that waited upon the Viceroy Lord Minto in 1906?

(d) What assurance did the Viceroy give to the Delegation?

(e) What role did the Muslim League play in its early years?

Muslim League



(a) The given picture shows Aga Khan, the then Head of the Ismaili Sect of the Muslims.

(b) The Ismaili Sect of the Muslims was headed by Aga Khan.

(c) Aga Khan led the Deputation that waited upon the Viceroy Lord Minto in 1906.

(d) Lord Minto gave an assurance that the political rights and interests of Muslims would be duly safeguarded.

(e) The Muslim League sabotaged the Anti-Partition Movement in Bengal.

  1. During the first few years resolutions passed by the League continued to harp on one theme — greater representation of Muslims in all services, civil and military.
  2. The League wanted that Muslims should have greater representation in the Legislative Councils than their population would allow.
  3. As the time went on they began to issue threats of disloyalty if their demands were not met.

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