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History & Civics

The All-India Muslim League was established at a meeting held in Dhaka on 30 December, 1906. In this context, describe:

(a) Three main aims and Objectives of the League.

(b) Two direct results of the formation of the League.

Muslim League



(a) The three main aims and objectives of the Muslim League are as follows-

  1. To promote among Indian Muslims feelings of loyalty towards the British Government. The League would also remove misconception that may arise as to the intentions of Government in relation to Indian Muslims.
  2. To protect the political and other rights of the Muslims and to place their needs and aspirations before the Government in mild and moderate language.
  3. To prevent the rise of any feeling of hostility between Muslims and other communities, without adversely affecting the aforesaid objectives of the League.

(b) Two direct results of the formation of the Muslim League are as follows-

  1. The League's leaders were trying to cut off the Muslim masses from the national movement. The Muslim League was an outright loyalist organisation.
  2. The British were successful in sowing seeds of conflict between the two great communities. They welcomed the formation of the League and offered support to it in the hope that "the Muslim League would provide an effective answer to the Congress." Communal fear and jealousy continued to grow.

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