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History & Civics

With reference to the International Court of Justice, explain the following:

(a) Its Composition.

(b) Its Compulsory Jurisdiction.

(c) Its Advisory Jurisdiction.

United Nations



(a) Composition of the International Court of Justice is as follows:

  1. It is composed of 15 judges elected to nine-year terms of office by the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council sitting independently of each other.
  2. It may not include more than one judge from any nationality.
  3. Elections are held every three years for one-third of the seats, and retiring judges may be re-elected.
  4. The Court elects its President and Vice-President for a three-year term. They may, when their term expires, be re-elected.
  5. The Court has the power to appoint its Registrar.

(b) The International Court of Justice has compulsory Jurisdiction in the following areas:

  1. Against the background that a large number of treaties provide that disputes are submitted to the Court.
  2. Disputes pertaining to the interpretation of international law.
  3. Reparation, i.e., compensation to be made for the breach of an international obligation.

(c) The advisory procedure of the International Court of Justice is open solely to international organisations.

  1. The only bodies at present authorised to request advisory opinions of the Court are five organs of the United Nations and 16 specialised agencies of the United Nations family.
  2. Since 1946 the Court has given 24 Advisory Opinions, concerning reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations, territorial status of South-West Africa and Western Sahara, etc.

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