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Do you think the UN has justified the role for which it was established in 1945? Give reasons to support your answer.

United Nations



Yes, the UN has justified the role for which it was established in 1945 because of the following reasons:

  1. Since its founding in 1945, the UN has maintained world peace by resolving many international disputes like the Suez Canal crisis of 1956, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Congo crisis and a number of peace keeping missions in countries like Namibia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Cyprus and so on.
  2. The UN through WHO has made immense contributions towards world health. It helped eradicate Smallpox, Polio is near eradication, developed an Ebola vaccine, played a significant role in combating the COVID-19 crisis and so on.
  3. The efforts of the UNICEF helped save the lives of more than 90 million children across the world.
  4. More than 560 multilateral treaties on human rights, refugees, disarmament, trade, oceans, outer space, etc. encompassing all aspects of international affairs were negotiated by the U.N.
  5. The UN has rendered a great service in establishing Peace and Security by solving various problems generally political disputes by Security Council, Legal disputes by the International Court of Justice and others by special agencies.

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