Look once more at Fig. 10. Imagine you were a citizen of Frankfurt in March 1848 and were present during the proceedings of the parliament. How would you (a) as a man seated in the hall of deputies, and (b) as a woman observing from the galleries, relate to the banner of Germania hanging from the ceiling?

Europe Nationalism
(a) As a man seating in the hall of deputies, I feel that whatever was symbolized in Germania has come true but women not getting the equal political rights bothers me. Women have always equally participated in all the struggles. I feel this is injustice.
(b) As a woman observing from the galleries, I feel that the whatever has been achieved today is just a partial win. Half of the population is yet to get their political rights. Germania is herself a female figure and still the females of Germany are kept away from voting rights. It is unfair.
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