Give balanced equations for the following reactions using sulphuric acid.
- Formation of a black mark on a piece of wood on addition of conc. H2SO4 to it.
- Oxidation of a foul smelling acidic gas, heavier than air and fairly soluble in H2O by conc. H2SO4.
- Formation of an acid salt from sulphuric acid and (a) an alkali (b) a sodium salt.
- Formation of a hydrocarbon from an organic compound
- Formation of sulphur dioxide using a metal below hydrogen in the activity series.
Related Questions
Select the correct answer from the choice in brackets.
- The oxidised product obtained when sulphur reacts with conc. H2SO4. [H2S/SO2/H2SO3].
- The dehydrated product obtained when cane sugar reacts with conc. H2SO4. [CO/C/CO2]
- The type of salt formed when excess of caustic soda reacts with sulphuric acid. [acid salt / normal salt]
- The reduced product obtained when hydrogen sulphide reacts with conc. H2SO4. [SO2/S/H2O]
- The salt which reacts with dil. H2SO4 acid to give an insoluble ppt. [Cu(NO3)2/Zn(NO3)2/Pb(NO3)2]
Match the conversions in column 'X' using sulphuric acid, with the type of chemical property of sulphuric acid A to E it represents in column 'Y'
X Y 1. Nitre → Nitric acid A: As an oxidising agent 2. Copper [II] oxide → Copper [II] sulphate B: As a dibasic acid 3. Copper → Copper [II] sulphate C: As an acid when dilute 4. Ethanol [ethyl alcohol] → Ethene D: As a least or non-volatile acid 5. Sodium hydroxide → Sodium bisulphate and sodium sulphate As a dehydrating agent. Select the correct substance from the substances A to J which react with the sulphuric acid to give the product 1 to 10. [State whether the acid used in each case is dilute or concentrated].
A : Iron
B : Sodium carbonate
C : Sodium chloride
D : Formic acid
E : Sodium nitrate
F : Sodium sulphite
G : Ethyl alcohol
H : Sodium sulphide
I : Sodium hydroxide (excess)
J : Hydrogen sulphide
- Product — Sulphur dioxide
- Product — Sulphur
- Product — Hydrogen
- Product — Hydrochloric acid
- Product — Sodium sulphate
- Product — Carbon dioxide
- Product — Carbon monoxide
- Product — Nitric acid
- Product — Hydrogen sulphide
- Product — Ethene