Select the correct answer from the choice in brackets.
- The oxidised product obtained when sulphur reacts with conc. H2SO4. [H2S/SO2/H2SO3].
- The dehydrated product obtained when cane sugar reacts with conc. H2SO4. [CO/C/CO2]
- The type of salt formed when excess of caustic soda reacts with sulphuric acid. [acid salt / normal salt]
- The reduced product obtained when hydrogen sulphide reacts with conc. H2SO4. [SO2/S/H2O]
- The salt which reacts with dil. H2SO4 acid to give an insoluble ppt. [Cu(NO3)2/Zn(NO3)2/Pb(NO3)2]
Sulphuric Acid
- SO2
- C
- Normal salt
- SO2
- Pb(NO3)2
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