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A man 1.8 m high stands at a distance of 3.6 m from a lamp post and casts a shadow of 5.4 m on the ground. Find the height of the lamp post.

Heights & Distances



Let AB be the lamp post and CD the height of man.

BD is the distance of man from the foot of the lamp and FD is the shadow of man.

CE || DB.

A man 1.8 m high stands at a distance of 3.6 m from a lamp post and casts a shadow of 5.4 m on the ground. Find the height of the lamp post. Heights and Distances, ML Aggarwal Understanding Mathematics Solutions ICSE Class 10.

Take AB = x and CD = 1.8 m
EB = CD = 1.8 m
CE = DB = 3.6 m
AE = (x - 1.8) m
Shadow (FD) = 5.4 m

Considering right angled △ACE, we get

tan θ=AECEtan θ=x1.83.6 ……(Eq 1)\Rightarrow \text{tan θ} = \dfrac{AE}{CE} \\[1em] \Rightarrow \text{tan θ} = \dfrac{x - 1.8}{3.6} \text{ ……(Eq 1)}

Considering right angled △CFD, we get

tan θ=CDFDtan θ=1.85.4=13 ……(Eq 2)\Rightarrow \text{tan θ} = \dfrac{CD}{FD} \\[1em] \Rightarrow \text{tan θ} = \dfrac{1.8}{5.4} = \dfrac{1}{3} \text{ ……(Eq 2)}

Comparing Eq 1 and Eq 2 we get,

x1.83.6=133x5.4=3.63x=5.4+3.63x=9x=3.\Rightarrow \dfrac{x - 1.8}{3.6} = \dfrac{1}{3} \\[1em] \Rightarrow 3x - 5.4 = 3.6 \\[1em] \Rightarrow 3x = 5.4 + 3.6 \\[1em] \Rightarrow 3x = 9 \\[1em] \Rightarrow x = 3.

Hence, the height of the lamp post is 3 meters.

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