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Class - 12 CBSE Computer Science Important File Handling Questions 2025

  • Python File Handling

    Write a function that reads a csv file and creates another csv file with the same content except the lines beginning with 'check'.

  • Python File Handling

    Give any one point of difference between a binary file and a CSV file.

    Write a Program in Python that defines and calls the following user defined functions :

    (a) add(). To accept and add data of an employee to a CSV file 'furdata.csv'. Each record consists of a list with field elements as fid, fname and fprice to store furniture id, furniture name and furniture price respectively.

    (b) search(). To display the records of the furniture whose price is more than 10000.

  • Python Data Handling

    Create a CSV file "Groceries" to store information of different items existing in a shop. The information is to be stored w.r.t. each item code, name, price, qty. Write a program to accept the data from user and store it permanently in CSV file.

  • Python File Handling

    Vedansh is a Python programmer working in a school. For the Annual Sports Event, he has created a csv file named Result.csv, to store the results of students in different sports events. The structure of Result.csv is :

    [St_Id, St_Name, Game_Name, Result]


    St_Id is Student ID (integer)
    ST_name is Student Name (string)
    Game_Name is name of game in which student is participating(string)
    Result is result of the game whose value can be either 'Won', 'Lost' or 'Tie'.

    For efficiently maintaining data of the event, Vedansh wants to write the following user defined functions:

    Accept() – to accept a record from the user and add it to the file Result.csv. The column headings should also be added on top of the csv file.

    wonCount() – to count the number of students who have won any event.

    As a Python expert, help him complete the task.

  • Python File Handling

    A csv file "Happiness.csv" contains the data of a survey. Each record of the file contains the following data:

    • Name of a country
    • Population of the country
    • Sample Size (Number of persons who participated in the survey in that country)
    • Happy (Number of persons who accepted that they were Happy)

    For example, a sample record of the file may be:

    [‘Signiland’, 5673000, 5000, 3426]

    Write the following Python functions to perform the specified operations on this file:

    (I) Read all the data from the file in the form of a list and display all those records for which the population is more than 5000000.

    (II) Count the number of records in the file.

  • Python File Handling

    (i) Differentiate between r+ and w+ file modes in Python.

    (ii) Consider a file, SPORT.DAT, containing records of the following structure: [SportName, TeamName, No_Players]

    Write a function, copyData(), that reads contents from the file SPORT.DAT and copies the records with Sport name as “Basket Ball” to the file named BASKET.DAT. The function should return the total number of records copied to the file BASKET.DAT.

  • Python File Handling

    (i) How are text files different from binary files?

    (ii) A Binary file, CINEMA.DAT has the following structure:



    MNO – Movie Number
    MNAME – Movie Name
    MTYPE is Movie Type

    Write a user defined function, findType(mtype), that accepts mtype as parameter and displays all the records from the binary file CINEMA.DAT, that have the value of Movie Type as mtype.

  • Python File Handling

    Write a program that copies one file to another. Have the program read the file names from user ?

  • Python File Handling

    Write a program that appends the contents of one file to another. Have the program take the filenames from the user.

Showing 51 - 59 of 59 Questions