Computer Applications
Write a Scratch program to draw this
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Write Scratch programs to draw these shapes :
Write Scratch programs to draw these shapes :
Create a Guessing game where your sprite generates a number (Host Number) in the range 10 to 99 (*Use Random number generator for this).
User is then asked to 'Guess this number' (userGuess) and given 5 chances to do this (*5 times loop)
If the user's number (i.e., UserGuess) is same as HostNumber, then your program should display "You Win" and plays a drum sound. If user is not able to guess the number then
- for every unsuccessful guess, display message "Try again" with a drum sound play.
- After 5 unsuccessful guesses, display, "Sorry buddy, you lose. My number was <Host Number>", with a drum sound.
Write an interactive program in which the sprite is crazily drawing on stage forever. But if the user presses a space bar, the pen size and pen colour change along with a sound play.