History & Civics

With reference to the sources of information about the Vedic Age, write short notes on the following:

(a) The Vedas

(b) The Epics

(c) Role of Iron Implements

Vedic Period




(a) The Vedas — The Vedas are storehouse of knowledge about Vedic Age. They give us information about the life of the people of Vedic Age. We get information about the social, economical, political, and religious aspects of their life. There are four Vedas — The Rig Veda, The Sama Veda, The Yajur Veda, The Atharva Veda. The Rig Veda gives an account of Early Vedic Period while the rest of Vedas give an account of Later Vedic Period.

(b) The Epics — The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are the important epics. They serve as main source of information on the political institution and the social and cultural organisation of the Vedic Age. The Epics provide information on Aryan kingdoms, their armies and the weapons and reveal the high ideals of family life of Aryans. They are considered as the finest literary works of the ancient period and are acclaimed for their literary and philosophical value. The great heroes depicted in the Epics are the embodiment of high moral principles and made a great impact on successive generations.

(c) Role of Iron Implements — In India, the Iron Age began in 1000 B.C. Iron was cheap, available in plenty, it was harder than copper and bronze and its deposits were found over large areas. It was used in the following areas:

  1. Agriculture — Iron gave Aryans new tools like axe to clear the forest and cultivate the land. Using iron plough-heads, sickles and hoes, they could bring vast tracts of land under cultivation. The production of more rice, wheat, barley, vegetables and fruits improved their standard of living.
  2. Occupation — The use of Iron provided durable implements like saws, chisels, hammers, nails and tongs. This gave rise to occupations such as weaving, spinning, carpentry, tanning and tool making.
  3. Defence — Iron was extensively used in making weapons like swords, armours and shields.

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