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History & Civics

With reference to the Society during the Vedic Age, answer the following questions:

(a) Explain briefly the class divisions that existed in the society.

(b) State the position of women in the Vedic period.

(c) Explain the four stages in the life of an Aryan.

Vedic Period




(a) During the Early Vedic Period, the society was divided into different classes based on their profession. These professions became hereditary over the course of time. These occupational classes gradually took the form of caste. In the Later Vedic Period, the four classes or Varnas in which society was divided were Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. The Brahmins performed religious rituals. The Kshatriyas were fighters and they became the ruling class. The Vaishyas engaged in business and looked after agriculture as well as industry. The Shudras served the upper classes.

(b) During the Early Vedic Period the women were respected. They had right to choose their husband and to participate in rituals. Widow remarriage was prevalent. There are no examples of child marriage. The marriageable age in the Rig Veda seems to have been 16 to 17. During Later Vedic Period, there was a significant decline in the status of women. Their participation in Yajna was not considered necessary. Their freedom to choose husband and right to property was curtailed.

(c) The four stages in the life of an Aryan, also known as the four Ashramas were:

  1. The Brahmacharya Ashrama — It lasted up to the age of 25 years during which the pupil was expected to acquire knowledge in gurukul and observe strict discipline.
  2. The Grihastha Ashrama — It lasted from the age of 25 to 50 years during which man was supposed to marry and raise and maintain his family.
  3. The Vanaprastha Ashrama — It lasted from the age of 50 to 75 years. During this period the man was expected to retire from worldly life and acquire spiritual knowledge.
  4. The Sanyasa Ashrama — It lasted from the age of 75 to 100 years which was the period of renunciation. Man had to leave everything forever and go into meditation in order to attain moksha or salvation.

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