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Water flows, at 9 km per hour, through a cylindrical pipe of cross-sectional area 25 cm2. If this water is collected into a rectangular cistern of dimensions 7.5 m by 5 m by 4 m; calculate the rise in level in the cistern in 1 hour 15 minutes.



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Rate of water flow = 9 km/hr

= 9 × 105 cm/hr. [As, 1 km = 105 cm.]

1 hour 15 minutes = 1+1560=1+14=541 + \dfrac{15}{60} = 1 + \dfrac{1}{4} = \dfrac{5}{4} hours.

Volume of water flowing in 54\dfrac{5}{4} hours = Area of cross-section of pipe × Rate of water flow × 54\dfrac{5}{4} hours

= 25 cm2 × 9 km/hr × 54\dfrac{5}{4} hr

= 25 cm2 × (9 × 105) cm/hr × 54\dfrac{5}{4} hr

= 1125×1054\dfrac{1125 \times 10^5}{4} cm3.

Let increase in level of water be h cm.


Length of rectangular cistern = 7.5 m = 750 cm

Breadth of rectangular cistern = 5 m = 500 cm

Volume of water increase in cistern = 750 × 500 × h cm3

We know that,

Volume of water increase in cistern = Volume of water flowing in 54\dfrac{5}{4} hours

750×500×h=1125×1054h=1125×1054×750×500h=0.00075×105h=75 cm.\Rightarrow 750 × 500 × h = \dfrac{1125 \times 10^5}{4} \\[1em] \Rightarrow h = \dfrac{1125 \times 10^5}{4 \times 750 \times 500} \\[1em] \Rightarrow h = 0.00075 \times 10^5 \\[1em] \Rightarrow h = 75 \text{ cm}.

Hence, there is an increase of 75 cm in level of water in cistern.

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