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A cylindrical water tank of diameter 2.8 m and height 4.2 m is being fed by a pipe of diameter 7 cm through which water flows at the rate of 4 m s-1. Calculate, in minutes, the time it takes to fill the tank.






Diameter of cylindrical tank = 2.8 m

So, its radius (R) = 2.82\dfrac{2.8}{2} = 1.4 m

Height (H) = 4.2 m

Volume of water filled in it = πr2h

= 227\dfrac{22}{7} x 1.4 x 1.4 x 4.2

= 25.872 m3

= 25.872 × (100)3 cm3


Diameter of the pipe = 7 cm

Radius (r) = 72\dfrac{7}{2} = 3.5 cm

Area of cross section of pipe = πr2

= 227×(3.5)2\dfrac{22}{7} \times (3.5)^2

= 22 × 0.5 × 3.5

= 38.5 cm2.

Volume of water discharged per second = 38.5 cm2 × 4 m s-1

= 38.5 × 400 cm s-1

Let the pipe fill the tank in n seconds.

∴ n × Volume of water discharged per second = Volume of tank

n×38.5×400=25.872×(100)3n=25.872×100338.5×400n=2587200015400n=1680 secondsn=1680×160 minutesn=28 minutes.\Rightarrow n \times 38.5 × 400 = 25.872 × (100)^3 \\[1em] \Rightarrow n = \dfrac{25.872 \times 100^3}{38.5 \times 400} \\[1em] \Rightarrow n = \dfrac{25872000}{15400} \\[1em] \Rightarrow n = 1680 \text{ seconds} \\[1em] \Rightarrow n = 1680 \times \dfrac{1}{60} \text{ minutes} \\[1em] \Rightarrow n = 28\text{ minutes}.

Hence, it takes 28 minutes to fill the tank.

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