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State the reason for difference in product formed at the anode during electrolysis of aq. CuSO4 using :

(i) active electrode — copper anode

(ii) inert electrode — platinum anode.




(i) Electrolysis of aq. CuSO4 using copper anode — Product at anode is nil. [Copper ions are formed]

Reaction at anode: Cu - 2e- ⟶ Cu2+

SO42- and OH- ions migrate to anode but neither of them are discharged due to the nature of anode, (copper loses electrons more easily than SO42- and OH-) because copper anode itself ionises to give Cu2+ ions.

(ii) Electrolysis of aq. CuSO4 using inert platinum anode — Product at anode is oxygen gas.

SO42- and OH- ions migrate to anode but OH- ions are discharged since they are lower in the electrochemical series.

Oxidation of the OH- ions gives unstable hydroxyl radical which forms water with the liberation of oxygen.

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