Give the electrode reactions for formation of
(i) Lead metal and bromine vapours from molten PbBr2 using inert electrodes
(ii) H2 and O2 gas [2:1] from acidified water using inert Pt electrodes.
(i) Formation of Lead metal and bromine vapours from molten PbBr2 using inert electrodes
At cathode:
Pb2+ + 2e– ⟶ Pb
At anode:
2Br– – 2e– ⟶ Br
Br + Br ⟶ Br2
(ii) Formation of H2 and O2 gas [2:1] from acidified water using inert Pt electrodes.
At cathode:
4H+ + 4e– ⟶ 4H
2H + 2H ⟶ 2H2
At anode:
4OH+ – 4e– ⟶ 4OH
4OH ⟶ 2H2O + O2
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