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Computer Science

Reduce the following boolean functions with the help of Karnaugh's map:
F(U, V, W, Z)=Σ(0, 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15)

Boolean Algebra



Karnaugh map for Understanding ISC Computer Science Boolean Algebra Chapter 1 Unit 2 Question 33 Solution

From Quad (0,1,3,2):
Rows representing the quad: U'V'
Columns representing the quad: 1 (Both variables W and Z are in opposite form. Hence, they get cancelled.)
Term Obtained = U'V'

From quad (12,13,15,14):
Rows representing the quad: UV
Columns representing the quad: 1 (Both variables W and Z are in opposite form. Hence, they get cancelled.)
Term Obtained = UV

Simplified expression = UV + U'V'

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