Computer Science
Obtain a simplified expression for the given boolean function using Karnaugh's map:
F (a, b, c, d) = Σ(1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15)
Boolean Algebra

From pair (1,3):
Rows representing the pair: a'b'
Columns representing the pair: c'd + cd = d
Term Obtained = a'b'd
From pair (3,2):
Rows representing the pair: a'b'
Columns representing the pair: cd + cd' = c
Term Obtained = a'b'c
From pair (12,14):
Rows representing the pair: ab
Columns representing the pair: c'd' + cd' = d'
Term Obtained = abd'
From pair (15,11):
Rows representing the pair: ab + ab' = a
Columns representing the pair: cd
Term Obtained = acd
Simplified expression:
F(a, b, c, d) = a'b'd + a'b'c + abd' + acd
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