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Computer Science

Numbers have different representations depending on the bases on which they are expressed. For example, in base 3, the number 12 is written as 110 (1 x 32 + 1 x 31 + 0 x 30) but base 8 it is written as 14 (1 x 81 + 4 x 80).

Consider for example, the integers 12 and 5. Certainly these are not equal if base 10 is used for each. But suppose, 12 was a base 3 number and 5 was a base 6 number then, 12 base 3 = 1 x 31 + 2 x 30, or 5 base 6 or base 10 (5 in any base is equal to 5 base 10). So, 12 and 5 can be equal if you select the right bases for each of them.

Write a program to input two integers x and y and calculate the smallest base for x and smallest base for y (likely different from x) so that x and y represent the same value. The base associated with x and y will be between 1 and 20 (both inclusive). In representing these numbers, the digits 0 to 9 have their usual decimal interpretations. The upper case letters from A to J represent digits 10 to 19 respectively.

Test your program for the following data and some random data.

Sample Data

x=12, y=5

12 (base 3)=5 (base 6)

x=10, y=A

10 (base 10)=A (base 11)

x=12, y=34

~~12 (base 8) = 34 (base 2)~~
12 (base 17) = 34 (base 5)
[∵ 34 (base 2) is not valid as only 0 & 1 are allowed in base 2]

x=123, y=456

123 is not equal to 456 in any base between 2 to 20

x=42, y=36

42 (base 7) = 36 (base 8)


Java Arrays



import java.util.Scanner;

public class KboatFindBase
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter x: ");
        String x = in.nextLine();
        System.out.print("Enter y: ");
        String y = in.nextLine();
        int xMax = getHighestDigit(x);
        int yMax = getHighestDigit(y);
        boolean found = false;
        int decimalArr[] = new int[20];
        for (int i = xMax; i < 20; i++) {
            decimalArr[i] = convertToDecimal(x, i+1);
        for (int i = yMax; i < 20; i++) {
            int t = convertToDecimal(y, i+1);
            for (int j = xMax; j < 20; j++) {
                if (t == decimalArr[j]) {
                    found = true;
                    System.out.println(x + " (base " + (j+1) + ") = " 
                        + y + " (base " + (i+1) + ")");
            if (found) {
        if (!found) {
            System.out.println(x + " is not equal to " 
                        + y + " in any base\nbetween 2 to 20");
    public static int convertToDecimal(String numStr, int base) {
        int num = 0;
        int len = numStr.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            int mul = (int)Math.pow(base, len - i - 1);
            char ch = numStr.charAt(i);
            int d = digitValue(ch);
            num += d * mul;
        return num;
    public static int digitValue(char c) {
        int value = 0;
        if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
            value = c - '0';
        else if (Character.isLetter(c) && c >= 'A' && c <= 'J') {
            value = c - 'A' + 10;
        return value;
    public static int getHighestDigit(String numStr) {
        int high = 0;
        int len = numStr.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            char ch = numStr.charAt(i);
            int d = digitValue(ch);
            if (d > high) {
                high = d;
        return high;


BlueJ output of Numbers have different representations depending on the bases on which they are expressed. For example, in base 3, the number 12 is written as 110 (1 x 3 2 + 1 x 3 1 + 0 x 3 0 ) but base 8 it is written as 14 (1 x 8 1 + 4 x 8 0 ). Consider for example, the integers 12 and 5. Certainly these are not equal if base 10 is used for each. But suppose, 12 was a base 3 number and 5 was a base 6 number then, 12 base 3 = 1 x 3 1 + 2 x 3 0 , or 5 base 6 or base 10 (5 in any base is equal to 5 base 10). So, 12 and 5 can be equal if you select the right bases for each of them. Write a program to input two integers x and y and calculate the smallest base for x and smallest base for y (likely different from x) so that x and y represent the same value. The base associated with x and y will be between 1 and 20 (both inclusive). In representing these numbers, the digits 0 to 9 have their usual decimal interpretations. The upper case letters from A to J represent digits 10 to 19 respectively. Test your program for the following data and some random data. Sample Data Input: x=12, y=5 Output: 12 (base 3)=5 (base 6) Input: x=10, y=A Output: 10 (base 10)=A (base 11) Input: x=12, y=34 Output: ~~12 (base 8) = 34 (base 2)~~ 12 (base 17) = 34 (base 5) [∵ 34 (base 2) is not valid as only 0 & 1 are allowed in base 2] Input: x=123, y=456 Output: 123 is not equal to 456 in any base between 2 to 20 Input: x=42, y=36 Output: 42 (base 7) = 36 (base 8)BlueJ output of Numbers have different representations depending on the bases on which they are expressed. For example, in base 3, the number 12 is written as 110 (1 x 3 2 + 1 x 3 1 + 0 x 3 0 ) but base 8 it is written as 14 (1 x 8 1 + 4 x 8 0 ). Consider for example, the integers 12 and 5. Certainly these are not equal if base 10 is used for each. But suppose, 12 was a base 3 number and 5 was a base 6 number then, 12 base 3 = 1 x 3 1 + 2 x 3 0 , or 5 base 6 or base 10 (5 in any base is equal to 5 base 10). So, 12 and 5 can be equal if you select the right bases for each of them. Write a program to input two integers x and y and calculate the smallest base for x and smallest base for y (likely different from x) so that x and y represent the same value. The base associated with x and y will be between 1 and 20 (both inclusive). In representing these numbers, the digits 0 to 9 have their usual decimal interpretations. The upper case letters from A to J represent digits 10 to 19 respectively. Test your program for the following data and some random data. Sample Data Input: x=12, y=5 Output: 12 (base 3)=5 (base 6) Input: x=10, y=A Output: 10 (base 10)=A (base 11) Input: x=12, y=34 Output: ~~12 (base 8) = 34 (base 2)~~ 12 (base 17) = 34 (base 5) [∵ 34 (base 2) is not valid as only 0 & 1 are allowed in base 2] Input: x=123, y=456 Output: 123 is not equal to 456 in any base between 2 to 20 Input: x=42, y=36 Output: 42 (base 7) = 36 (base 8)BlueJ output of Numbers have different representations depending on the bases on which they are expressed. For example, in base 3, the number 12 is written as 110 (1 x 3 2 + 1 x 3 1 + 0 x 3 0 ) but base 8 it is written as 14 (1 x 8 1 + 4 x 8 0 ). Consider for example, the integers 12 and 5. Certainly these are not equal if base 10 is used for each. But suppose, 12 was a base 3 number and 5 was a base 6 number then, 12 base 3 = 1 x 3 1 + 2 x 3 0 , or 5 base 6 or base 10 (5 in any base is equal to 5 base 10). So, 12 and 5 can be equal if you select the right bases for each of them. Write a program to input two integers x and y and calculate the smallest base for x and smallest base for y (likely different from x) so that x and y represent the same value. The base associated with x and y will be between 1 and 20 (both inclusive). In representing these numbers, the digits 0 to 9 have their usual decimal interpretations. The upper case letters from A to J represent digits 10 to 19 respectively. Test your program for the following data and some random data. Sample Data Input: x=12, y=5 Output: 12 (base 3)=5 (base 6) Input: x=10, y=A Output: 10 (base 10)=A (base 11) Input: x=12, y=34 Output: ~~12 (base 8) = 34 (base 2)~~ 12 (base 17) = 34 (base 5) [∵ 34 (base 2) is not valid as only 0 & 1 are allowed in base 2] Input: x=123, y=456 Output: 123 is not equal to 456 in any base between 2 to 20 Input: x=42, y=36 Output: 42 (base 7) = 36 (base 8)BlueJ output of Numbers have different representations depending on the bases on which they are expressed. For example, in base 3, the number 12 is written as 110 (1 x 3 2 + 1 x 3 1 + 0 x 3 0 ) but base 8 it is written as 14 (1 x 8 1 + 4 x 8 0 ). Consider for example, the integers 12 and 5. Certainly these are not equal if base 10 is used for each. But suppose, 12 was a base 3 number and 5 was a base 6 number then, 12 base 3 = 1 x 3 1 + 2 x 3 0 , or 5 base 6 or base 10 (5 in any base is equal to 5 base 10). So, 12 and 5 can be equal if you select the right bases for each of them. Write a program to input two integers x and y and calculate the smallest base for x and smallest base for y (likely different from x) so that x and y represent the same value. The base associated with x and y will be between 1 and 20 (both inclusive). In representing these numbers, the digits 0 to 9 have their usual decimal interpretations. The upper case letters from A to J represent digits 10 to 19 respectively. Test your program for the following data and some random data. Sample Data Input: x=12, y=5 Output: 12 (base 3)=5 (base 6) Input: x=10, y=A Output: 10 (base 10)=A (base 11) Input: x=12, y=34 Output: ~~12 (base 8) = 34 (base 2)~~ 12 (base 17) = 34 (base 5) [∵ 34 (base 2) is not valid as only 0 & 1 are allowed in base 2] Input: x=123, y=456 Output: 123 is not equal to 456 in any base between 2 to 20 Input: x=42, y=36 Output: 42 (base 7) = 36 (base 8)

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