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Look at the newspaper clipping given below and answer the question that follow:

Look at the newspaper clipping given below and answer the question that follow: Rise of Dictatorships, Total History and Civics Solutions ICSE Class 10.

(a) Who is referred to as 'Black Shirt Leader' in the newspaper clipping shown above? Why did he enter Rome?

(b) Who was the 'King’ with whom the 'Black Shirt Leader’ was to confer? What did the King do?

(c) State any three consequences of the incident.

Rise of Dictatorships



(a) Benito Mussolini is referred to as the 'Black Shirt Leader' in the given newspaper clipping. He had formed a group called 'Fascios' who wore black uniform and were known as Black-Shirts. Mussolini was their leader.

Mussolini put forward few demands after a conference of the Fascist Party at Naples in October 1922. These demands were turned down by the Emperor of Italy. Therefore, Mussolini marched towards Rome and entered Rome to attack but he faced no resistance and was invited to form government.

(b) The 'King’ with whom the 'Black Shirt Leader’ was to confer was Victor Emmanuel III. The King invited Mussolini to form a new government.

(c) The three consequences of the incident were:

  1. He undertook measures to strengthen economy of Italy and to reduce unemployment. All efforts were made to eradicate illiteracy by making elaborate provisions for education.
  2. He followed an aggressive foreign policy to revive the past glories of the Roman Empire.
  3. Mussolini fostered a cult of personality, projecting himself as an omnipotent and indispensable leader. His government expelled all opposition, including Socialist members, and arrested all Communist members of Parliament.

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