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History & Civics

In the post World War I scenario, Italy and Germany experienced the rise of dictatorships. In this context, explain:

(a) Any three circumstances that led to the rise of Fascism in Italy.

(b) Any three domestic policies of Hitler.

(c) How were the foreign policies of Hitler responsible for the outbreak of the Second World War?

Rise of Dictatorships



(a) Three circumstances that led to the rise of Fascism in Italy were as follows-

  1. Discontentment after the Treaty of Versailles — Italy joined the Allies in the First World War to gain territories of Turkey and Germany. But she could get no part of the German and Turkish colonial empire.
  2. Economic Crisis — Italy suffered heavy losses in terms of life and property in the First World War. After the War, many soldiers became unemployed. Trade and commerce were ruined leading to large-scale unemployment. There was a shortage of food grains.
  3. Political Instability — Democracy was introduced in Italy for the first time in 1919. Elections failed to give a clear majority to a single party. As a result, there was instability in the country and between 1919 and 1922 six coalition governments were formed in Italy. The various political parties had different policies and programmes and there was no continuity in their policies. They were unable to deal effectively with the problems of unemployment, strikes and riots which took place during 1921-22. This situation was fully exploited by the Fascists under the leadership of Mussolini, who promised the people a strong national government.

(b) Three domestic policies of Hitler were as follows-

  1. Hitler launched the first Five-year plan to have greater production. The economic life of the country was organised with the objectives of removing unemployment and making the nation self-sufficient.
  2. Special efforts were made to increase the military force of the country. Military training was made compulsory which again created more employment.
  3. Strict censor was imposed on books, the press and the cinema. All anti-Nazi books and magazines were consigned to fire.

(c) Hitler resorted to the policy of territorial expansion and fortification of Germany.

  1. He tried to acquire more territories for the surplus German population.
  2. He tried to expand in South and East of Europe because that region was economically useful for Germany as it possessed huge potential for wheat, oil and coal.
  3. To attain this objective, Hitler made use of force and rejected all compromises.
  4. He entered into a non-aggression treaty with Poland for a period of ten years in 1934 for the safety of his eastern frontiers.
  5. He reclaimed the territory of Saar and Rhineland from France.
  6. In 1938, he annexed Austria by force. He concluded a non-aggression pact with Russia.

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