Give three tests for hydrochloric acid. Convert silver nitrate to a soluble salt of silver using hydrochloric acid and an alkali.
Hydrogen Chloride
(i) When glass rod dipped in ammonia solution (NH4OH) is brought near vapours of hydrochloric acid, dense white fumes of ammonium chloride are formed.
(ii) On addition of silver nitrate soln. to dil. HCl (acidified with dil. HNO3), curdy white precipitate of silver chloride is obtained.
AgNO3 + HCl ⟶ AgCl ↓ + HNO3
(iii) On heating a mixture of manganese dioxide and conc. HCl, Greenish yellow gas (chlorine) is evolved.
MnO2 + 4HCl ⟶ MnCl2 ↓ + 2H2O + Cl2
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