Give the equation for the reaction of conc. sulphuric acid with –
(i) glucose
(ii) sucrose
(iii) cellulose
(iv) an organic acid containing one carbon atom and two hydrogen atoms
(v) an organic acid containing two carbon and two hydrogen atoms
(vi) an alcohol
(vii) hydrated copper [II] sulphate
Sulphuric Acid
(i) Reaction of conc. sulphuric acid with glucose:
(ii) Reaction of conc. sulphuric acid with sucrose:
(iii) Reaction of conc. sulphuric acid with cellulose:
(iv) Reaction of conc. sulphuric acid with formic acid [H.COOH]:
(v) Reaction of conc. sulphuric acid with oxalic acid [H2C2O4]:
(vi) Reaction of conc. sulphuric acid with ethyl alcohol:
(vii) Reaction of conc. sulphuric acid with hydrated copper sulphate:
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