Give the causes and symptoms of
- urinary tract infection.
- kidney stones.
Excretory System
- Urinary tract infection
Causes — Urinary tract infection (UTI) usually occurs when bacteria such as E. coli enters the urinary tract.
Symptoms — Following are the symptoms of UTI:- a burning sensation while passing urine.
- a frequent urge to urinate.
- pain in the back or lower abdomen.
- cloudy and strange-smelling urine.
- fever-like feeling if the infection has reached the kidneys.
- Kidney Stones
Causes — When urine becomes concentrated with calcium oxalate and uric acid, an accumulation of these dissolved minerals sticks together forming kidney stones. The main cause of kidney stones is lack of water in the body.
Symptoms — Following are the symptoms of kidney stones:- severe pain in the sides of the abdomen
- blood in the urine
- nausea and vomiting
- reduced amount of urine excreted
- burning sensation during urination
- persistent urge to urinate
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