Computer Science
Explain any five social media etiquettes.
Computing Safety & Ethics
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The social media etiquettes are as follows:
- Choose password wisely — News of breach or leakage of user data from social network often attracts headlines. Users should be wary of such possibilities and must know how to safeguard themselves and their accounts. The minimum one can do is to have a strong password and change it frequently, and never share personal credentials like username and password with others.
- Know who you befriend — Social networking sites usually encourage connecting with users (making friends), sometime even those we don't know or have never met. However, we need to be careful while befriending unknown people as their intentions could possibly be malicious.
- Beware of fake information — Fake news, messages and posts are common in social networks. As a user, we should be aware of them and be able to figure out whether a news, message or post is genuine or fake. Thus, we should not blindly believe in everything that we come across on such platforms. We should apply our knowledge and experience to validate such news, message or post.
- Think before uploading — We can upload almost anything on social network. However, remember that once uploaded, it is always there in the remote server even if we delete the files. Hence, we need to be cautious while uploading or sending sensitive or confidential files which have a bearing on our privacy.
- Privacy matters — Regularly check our privacy settings on social media and always think before posting because it spreads all over the internet.
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