Computer Science
Write a program to create a dictionary with the roll number, name and marks of n students in a class, and display the names of students who have secured marks above 75.
Python Dictionaries
n = int(input("Enter the number of students: "))
student_data = {}
for i in range(n):
roll_number = int(input("Enter roll number for student: "))
name = input("Enter name for student: ")
marks = int(input("Enter marks for student: "))
student_data[roll_number] = {'name': name, 'marks': marks}
print("Students who have secured marks above 75:")
for roll_number, details in student_data.items():
if details['marks'] > 75:
Enter the number of students: 4
Enter roll number for student: 5
Enter name for student: Ashish Kumar
Enter marks for student: 67
Enter roll number for student: 4
Enter name for student: Samay
Enter marks for student: 79
Enter roll number for student: 5
Enter name for student: Rohini
Enter marks for student: 89
Enter roll number for student: 6
Enter name for student: Anusha
Enter marks for student: 73
{5: {'name': 'Rohini', 'marks': 89}, 4: {'name': 'Samay', 'marks': 79}, 6: {'name': 'Anusha', 'marks': 73}}
Students who have secured marks above 75:
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