Related Questions
Describe a simple experiment to demonstrate that a liquid enclosed in a vessel exerts pressure in all directions.
Explain the principle of a hydraulic machine. Name two devices which work on this principle.
Draw a simple diagram of a hydraulic jack and explain it's working.
The diagram in figure shows a device which makes use of the principle of transmission of pressure.
(i) Name the parts labelled by the letters X and Y.
(ii) Describe what happens to the valves A and B and to the quantity of water in the two cylinders when the lever arm is moved down.
(iii) Give reasons for what happens to the valves A and B in part (ii).
(iv) What happens when the release valve is opened ?
(v) What happens to the valve B in cylinder P when the lever arm is moved up ?
(vi) Give a reason for your answer in part (v)
(vii) State one use of the above device.