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(a) Mention one function each of the following organs in human male reproductive system :

  1. Testis
  2. Scrotum
  3. Vas deferens
  4. Prostate gland

(b) Name the type of germ cell which

  1. is motile
  2. stores food.

Reproductive System



(a) Functions of given organs in human male reproductive system:

  1. Testis — It produces and stores sperms (male gamete).
  2. Scrotum — It holds the testis outside the body and maintains the temperature of testes at 2 to 3°C less than body temperature for the maturation of sperms.
  3. Vas deferens — Transports the sperm from epididymis to ejaculatory duct.
  4. Prostate gland — It pours an alkaline secretion into the semen as it passes through the urethra. It neutralises acid in female's vagina.

(b) Type of germ cell which:

  1. is motile — Sperm
  2. stores food — Ovum

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