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A cylindrical container with diameter of base 42 cm contains sufficient water to submerge a rectangular solid of iron with dimensions 22 cm × 14 cm × 10.5 cm. Find the rise in level of the water when the solid is submerged.



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Diameter of base of cylindrical container = 42 cm

Radius of base of cylindrical container (r) = 422\dfrac{42}{2} = 21 cm.

Let rise in level of water be h cm.

∴ Volume of solid submerged = Volume of increased water

⇒ 22 cm × 14 cm × 10.5 cm = πr2h

⇒ 3234 = 227×212×h\dfrac{22}{7} \times 21^2 \times h

⇒ h = 3234×722×212\dfrac{3234 \times 7}{22 \times 21^2}

⇒ h = 226389702=213\dfrac{22638}{9702} = 2\dfrac{1}{3} cm.

Hence, water rises by 2132\dfrac{1}{3} cm in container.

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