Computer Science
Write the output produced by the following SQL statements:
(a) SELECT POW(2, 3);
(b) SELECT ROUND(342.9234, -1);
(c) SELECT LENGTH("Informatics Practices");
(d) SELECT YEAR("1979/11/26"), MONTH("1979/11/26"), DAY("1979/11/26"), MONTHNAME("1979/11/26");
(e) SELECT LEFT("INDIA", 3), RIGHT("ComputerScience", 4), MID("Informatics", 3, 4), SUBSTR("Practices", 3);
SQL Queries
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| POW(2, 3) |
| 8 |
| ROUND(342.9234, -1) |
| 340 |
| LENGTH("Informatics Practices") |
| 21 |
| YEAR("1979/11/26") | MONTH("1979/11/26") | DAY("1979/11/26") | MONTHNAME("1979/11/26") |
| 1979 | 11 | 26 | November |
| LEFT("INDIA", 3) | RIGHT("ComputerScience", 4) | MID("Informatics", 3, 4) | SUBSTR("Practices", 3) |
| IND | ence | form | actices |
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Consider the following MOVIE table and write the SQL queries based on it.
MovieID MovieName Category ReleaseDate ProductionCost BusinessCost 001 Hindi_Movie Musical 2018-04-23 124500 130000 002 Tamil_Movie Action 2016-05-17 112000 118000 003 English_Movie Horror 2017-08-06 245000 360000 004 Bengali_Movie Adventure 2017-01-04 72000 100000 005 Telugu_Movie Action - 100000 - 006 Punjabi_Movie Comedy - 30500 - (a) Display all the information from the Movie table.
(b) List business done by the movies showing only MovieID, MovieName and TotalEarning. TotalEarning to be calculated as the sum of ProductionCost and BusinessCost.
(c) List the different categories of movies.
(d) Find the net profit of each movie showing its MovieID, MovieName and NetProfit. Net Profit is to be calculated as the difference between Business Cost and Production Cost.
(e) List MovieID, MovieName and Cost for all movies with ProductionCost greater than 10,000 and less than 1,00,000.
(f) List details of all movies which fall in the category of comedy or action.
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Suppose your school management has decided to conduct cricket matches between students of Class XI and Class XII. Students of each class are asked to join any one of the four teams – Team Titan, Team Rockers, Team Magnet and Team Hurricane. During summer vacations, various matches will be conducted between these teams. Help your sports teacher to do the following:
(a) Create a database "Sports".
(b) Create a table "TEAM" with following considerations:
- It should have a column TeamID for storing an integer value between 1 to 9, which refers to unique identification of a team.
- Each TeamID should have its associated name (TeamName), which should be a string of length not less than 10 characters.
(c) Using table level constraint, make TeamID as the primary key.
(d) Show the structure of the table TEAM using a SQL statement.
(e) As per the preferences of the students four teams were formed as given below. Insert these four rows in TEAM table:
Row 1: (1, Team Titan)
Row 2: (2, Team Rockers)
Row 3: (3, Team Magnet)
Row 4: (4, Team Hurricane)(f) Show the contents of the table TEAM using a DML statement.
(g) Now create another table MATCH_DETAILS and insert data as shown below. Choose appropriate data types and constraints for each attribute.
MatchID MatchDate FirstTeamID SecondTeamID FirstTeamScore SecondTeamScore M1 2018-07-17 1 2 90 86 M2 2018-07-18 3 4 45 48 M3 2018-07-19 1 3 78 56 M4 2018-07-19 2 4 56 67 M5 2018-07-18 1 4 32 87 M6 2018-07-17 2 3 67 51