Write the exact location of each of the following:
(a) Kidney
(b) Uriniferous tubule
(c) Malpighian capsule
(d) Loop of Henle
Excretory System
(a) Kidney — It is located on either side of the backbone and protected by the last two ribs.
(b) Uriniferous tubule — Uriniferous tubule begins in the cortex; the tubule dips down to the medulla, then return to the cortex before draining into the collecting duct.
(c) Malpighian capsule — It comprises of Bowman's capsule and glomerulus and is located in the kidney tubule.
(d) Loop of Henle — It runs in the medulla to turn back and to re-enter the cortex to continue into the next convoluted region of the tubule.
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