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Computer Science

Write short notes on URLs and domain names.

Computer Networks



A URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It specifies the distinct address for each resource on the Internet. A file's Internet address, or URL, is determined by the following :

  1. The type of server or protocol
  2. The name/address of the server on the Internet
  3. The location or path of the file on the server

Thus, the format of a URL is as follows: type://address/path

For example,

Here, http: — specifies the type of server — is the address of server
getinfo/style.asp — is the path of the file styles.asp.

The characters based naming system by which servers are identified is known as domain name system (DNS). In this system, the internet address of a server is represented by a characters based named followed by a suffix which together is termed as the domain name of the server.

Some commonly used domain name suffixes are as follows:

Domain IdPurpose
comfor commercial firms
edufor educational firms
govfor government organizations / bodies
milfor Military
netfor ISPs/networks
orgfor NGOs and other non-profit
cofor listed companies
bizfor business
tvfor television companies and channels

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