Computer Science
Write an algorithm that accepts four numbers as input and find the largest and smallest of them.
Algo & Flowcharts
Step 1: INPUT num1, num2, num3, num4
Step 2: SET largest = num1
Step 3: SET smallest = num1
Step 4: IF num2 > largest THEN
Step 5: SET largest = num2
ELSE IF num2 < smallest THEN
Step 6: SET smallest = num2
Step 7: IF num3 > largest THEN
Step 8: SET largest = num3
ELSE IF num3 < smallest THEN
Step 9: SET smallest = num3
Step 10: IF num4 > largest THEN
Step 11: SET largest = num4
ELSE IF num4 < smallest THEN
Step 12: SET smallest = num4
Step 13: PRINT "The largest number is: " + largest
Step 14: PRINT "The smallest number is: " + smallest
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