Write about biotic and abiotic components of a forest ecosystem.
Biotic component of forest ecosystem — The biotic components of a forest includes :
- Producers like herbs, shrubs and trees. A wide variety of grasses, ferns, creepers, berries etc. are found in a forest. The trees in a forest are home to thousand of birds and animals.
- Consumers like herbivores(deer,nilgai, elephants, leaf hoppers and bugs), Carnivores(tiger, lion, eagle kite) and Omnivores (bear, crow) are found in forest ecosystem.
- Decomposers like bacteria and fungi are also found in the forest ecosystem. They derive their nutrition from dead and decaying organisms.
Abiotic component of forest ecosystem — The abiotic components of a forest ecosystem include air rich in oxygen, water in several water bodies, organic and inorganic compounds in trees and soil as well as in the dead remains of plants and animals. Climatic factors such as sunlight, temperature, rainfall and humidity play a great role in determining the flora and fauna in a forest ecosystem.
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