Computer Science
Write a short note on functioning of Telnet.
Computer Networks
To run a Telnet session, we first have to run the telnet client and then connect to the desired telnet site. All this is illustrated in following steps :
- Run Telnet Client
- Connect to remote system in telnet window
- Connect dialog
- Default menu of the telnet site
- Specifying the word to be searched
- Details of search conducted
- Viewing further details of a search item
- Finally disconnect
The functioning of Telnet involves initiating a Telnet session by running a Telnet client and connecting to a remote system. This process typically includes steps such as connecting to the desired Telnet site, navigating through a connect dialog, accessing the default menu of the Telnet site, performing actions like specifying search terms, viewing search results, and accessing further details if required. Finally, the session is terminated by disconnecting from the remote system.
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