Computer Science

Write a Python program to input names of 'n' customers and their details like items bought, cost and phone number, etc., store them in a dictionary and display all the details in a tabular form.


Python Dictionaries



n = int(input("Enter the number of customers: "))
customer_data = {}

for i in range(n):
    name = input("Enter customer name: ")
    items_bought = input("Enter items bought: ")
    cost = float(input("Enter cost: "))
    phone_number = int(input("Enter phone number: "))

    customer_data[name] = {
        'Items Bought': items_bought,
        'Cost': cost,
        'Phone Number': phone_number

print("Customer Details:")
print("Name\t\tItems Bought\t\tCost\t\tPhone Number")
for name, details in customer_data.items():
    print(name, "\t\t", details['Items Bought'], "\t\t", details['Cost'], "\t\t", details['Phone Number'])


Enter the number of customers: 4
Enter customer name: Sakshi
Enter items bought: Chocolate, Icecream
Enter cost: 200
Enter phone number: 9876354678
Enter customer name: Shashank
Enter items bought: Biscuits, Maggie, Soup
Enter cost: 450
Enter phone number: 8976346378
Enter customer name: Saanvi
Enter items bought: Veggies, Coffee
Enter cost: 300
Enter phone number: 8794653923
Enter customer name: Shivank
Enter items bought: Door mat, Bottles, Boxes
Enter cost: 600
Enter phone number: 6737486827
Customer Details:
Name            Items Bought            Cost            Phone Number
Sakshi           Chocolate, Icecream             200.0           9876354678
Shashank                 Biscuits, Maggie, Soup                  450.0           8976346378
Saanvi           Veggies, Coffee                 300.0           8794653923
Shivank                  Door mat, Bottles, Boxes                600.0           6737486827

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