Computer Science
Write a Python program as per specifications given below:
- Repeatedly prompt for a sentence (string) or for 'q' to quit.
- Upon input of a sentence s, print the string produced from s by converting each lower case letter to upper case and each upper case letter to lower case.
- All other characters are left unchanged.
For example,
Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : This is the Bomb!
Please enter a sentence, or 'q ' to quit : What's up Doc ???
wHAT'S UP dOC ???
Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : q
Python String Manipulation
while True :
str = input("Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : ")
newStr = ""
if str.lower() == "q" :
for ch in str :
if ch.islower() :
newStr += ch.upper()
elif ch.isupper() :
newStr += ch.lower()
else :
newStr += ch
Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : This is the Bomb!
Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : What's up Doc ???
wHAT'S UP dOC ???
Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : q
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1st letter last letter 2nd letter 2nd last letter 3rd letter 3rd last letter
For example,
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