Computer Science
Write a program to search the names and addresses of persons having age more than 30 in the data list of persons stored in a text file.
Python Data Handling
Let the file "Persons.txt" include the following sample text:
Samyukta, Mumbai, 35
Anubhav, Chennai, 28
Aniket, Hyderabad, 42
Sarth, Bangalore, 31
f = open('Persons.txt', 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
data = line.strip().split(',')
if len(data) >= 3 and int(data[2]) > 30:
print('Name:', data[0], 'Address:', data[1])
Name: Samyukta Address: Mumbai
Name: Aniket Address: Hyderabad
Name: Sarth Address: Bangalore
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