Computer Science
Write a program to read two lists num and denum which contain the numerators and denominators of same fractions at the respective indexes. Then display the smallest fraction along with its index.
Python List Manipulation
num = eval(input("Enter numerators list: "))
denum = eval(input("Enter denominators list: "))
small = 0.0
smallIdx = 0
for i in range(len(num)):
t = num[i] / denum[i]
if t < small:
small = t
smallIdx = i
print("Smallest Fraction =", num[smallIdx], "/", denum[smallIdx])
print("Index of Smallest Fraction =", smallIdx)
Enter numerators list: [1, 3, 1, 7, 3]
Enter denominators list: [2, 4, 4, 13, 8]
Smallest Fraction = 1 / 2
Index of Smallest Fraction = 0
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