Computer Science
Write a program to enter the following records in a binary file :
Item No — integer
Item_Name — string
Qty — integer
Price — float
Number of records to be entered should be accepted from the user. Read the file to display the records in the following format:
Item No :
Item Name :
Quantity :
Price per item :
Amount : ( to be calculated as Price * Qty)
Python File Handling
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import pickle
with open("item.dat", 'wb') as itemfile:
n = int(input("How many records to be entered? "))
for i in range(n):
ino = int(input("Enter item no: "))
iname = input("Enter item name: ")
qty = int(input("Enter quantity: "))
price = float(input("Enter price: "))
item = {"Item no": ino, "Item Name": iname, "Qty": qty, "Price": price}
pickle.dump(item, itemfile)
print("Successfully written item data")
with open("item.dat", "rb") as file:
while True:
item = pickle.load(file)
print("\nItem No:", item["Item no"])
print("Item Name:", item["Item Name"])
print("Quantity:", item["Qty"])
print("Price per item:", item["Price"])
print("Amount:", item["Qty"] * item["Price"])
except EOFError:
How many records to be entered? 5
Enter item no: 11
Enter item name: Mobile
Enter quantity: 4
Enter price: 20000
Enter item no: 12
Enter item name: Laptop
Enter quantity: 2
Enter price: 35000
Enter item no: 13
Enter item name: Computer
Enter quantity: 1
Enter price: 50000
Enter item no: 14
Enter item name: Television
Enter quantity: 4
Enter price: 25000
Item No: 11
Item Name: Mobile
Quantity: 4
Price per item: 20000.0
Amount: 80000.0
Item No: 12
Item Name: Laptop
Quantity: 2
Price per item: 35000.0
Amount: 70000.0
Item No: 13
Item Name: Computer
Quantity: 1
Price per item: 50000.0
Amount: 50000.0
Item No: 14
Item Name: Television
Quantity: 4
Price per item: 25000.0
Amount: 100000.0
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