Computer Science
Write a program to create a nested tuple to store roll number, name and marks of students.
Python Tuples
tup = ()
while True :
roll_num = int(input("Enter the roll number of student: "))
name = input("Enter the name of student: ")
marks = int(input("Enter the marks of student: "))
tup += ((roll_num, name, marks),)
choice = input("\nDo you want enter more marks? \n(Y/N) ")
if (choice.lower() == 'n' or choice.lower() == 'no' ):
Enter the name of student: Amit
Enter the marks of student: 45
Do you want enter more marks?
(Y/N) y
Enter the roll number of student: 23
Enter the name of student: Mahesh
Enter the marks of student: 99
Do you want enter more marks?
(Y/N) N
((12, 'Amit', 45), (23, 'Mahesh', 99))
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