Computer Science
Write a program to add two more employees' details (empno, ename, salary, designation) to the file "emp.txt" already stored in disk.
Python Data Handling
Let the file "emp.txt" include the following sample text:
1001, Ankit Singh, 50000, Manager
1002, Neha Patel, 45000, Developer
file = open("emp.txt", "a")
file.write("1003, Manoj Tiwari, 48000, Analyst\n")
file.write("1004, Aarti Gupta, 52000, Engineer\n")
The file "emp.txt" include the following text:
1001, Ankit Singh, 50000, Manager
1002, Neha Patel, 45000, Developer
1003, Manoj Tiwari, 48000, Analyst
1004, Aarti Gupta, 52000, Engineer
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