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Computer Applications

Write a menu driven program to accept a number from the user and check whether it is a Buzz number or an Automorphic number.

i. Automorphic number is a number, whose square's last digit(s) are equal to that number. For example, 25 is an automorphic number, as its square is 625 and 25 is present as the last two digits.
ii. Buzz number is a number, that ends with 7 or is divisible by 7.


Java Conditional Stmts

ICSE 2010



import java.util.Scanner;

public class KboatBuzzAutomorphic
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("1. Buzz number");
        System.out.println("2. Automorphic number");
        System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
        int choice = in.nextInt();
        System.out.print("Enter number: ");
        int num = in.nextInt();

        switch (choice) {
            case 1:
            if (num % 10 == 7 || num % 7 == 0)
                System.out.println(num + " is a Buzz Number");
                System.out.println(num + " is not a Buzz Number");

            case 2:
            int sq = num * num;
            int d = 0;
            int t = num;

             * Count the number of 
             * digits in num
            while(t > 0) {
                t /= 10;

             * Extract the last d digits
             * from square of num
            int ld = (int)(sq % Math.pow(10, d));

            if (ld == num)
                System.out.println(num + " is automorphic");
                System.out.println(num + " is not automorphic");

            System.out.println("Incorrect Choice");


BlueJ output of Write a menu driven program to accept a number from the user and check whether it is a Buzz number or an Automorphic number. i. Automorphic number is a number, whose square's last digit(s) are equal to that number. For example, 25 is an automorphic number, as its square is 625 and 25 is present as the last two digits. ii. Buzz number is a number, that ends with 7 or is divisible by 7.BlueJ output of Write a menu driven program to accept a number from the user and check whether it is a Buzz number or an Automorphic number. i. Automorphic number is a number, whose square's last digit(s) are equal to that number. For example, 25 is an automorphic number, as its square is 625 and 25 is present as the last two digits. ii. Buzz number is a number, that ends with 7 or is divisible by 7.

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