Computer Science
Write a function that takes two numbers and returns the number that has minimum one's digit.
[For example, if numbers passed are 491 and 278, then the function will return 491 because it has got minimum one's digit out of two given numbers (491's 1 is < 278's 8)].
Python Functions
def min_ones_digit(num1, num2):
ones_digit_num1 = num1 % 10
ones_digit_num2 = num2 % 10
if ones_digit_num1 < ones_digit_num2:
return num1
return num2
num1 = int(input("Enter first number:"))
num2 = int(input("Enter second number:"))
result = min_ones_digit(num1, num2)
print("Number with minimum one's digit:", result)
Enter first number:491
Enter second number:278
Number with minimum one's digit: 491
Enter first number:543
Enter second number:765
Number with minimum one's digit: 543
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