Computer Science
Write a function Show_words() in python to read the content of a text file 'NOTES.TXT' and display only such lines of the file which have exactly 5 words in them.
Example, if the file contains :
This is a sample file.
The file contains many sentences.
But need only sentences which have only 5 words.
Then the function should display the output as :
This is a sample file.
The file contains many sentences.
Python File Handling
The file "NOTES.TXT" contains:
This is a sample file.
The file contains many sentences.
But need only sentences which have only 5 words.
def Show_words(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
words = line.strip().split()
if len(words) == 5:
This is a sample file.
The file contains many sentences.
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