World Standard Time: 0° :: Indian Standard Time : ……………
- 23½°
- 72½°
- 66½°
- 82½°
Related Questions
The period of diffused light between sunset and complete darkness is called ……………. .
- dawn
- dusk
- twilight
- Both (b) and (c)
The duration of twilight :
- increases to the poles
- might last for as much as 7 weeks at the poles
- is as long as the sun is 18° below the horizon
- all of the above.
Greenwich Mean Time : …………… :: Indian Standard Time : 12:00 pm
- 6:30 am
- 5:30 am
- 6:30 pm
- 5:30 pm
World Standard Time : …………… :: Indian Standard Time : Standard Meridian of India
- World Standard Meridian
- Prime Meridian
- International Date Line
- Greenwich Mean Time