Which of the following type of cloud has a cauliflower-like shape?
- Cirrus
- Cumulus
- Strata
- None of the above
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The process by which products of condensation, viz water droplets, ice crystals, sleet etc. fall to the ground:
- Evaporation
- Humidation
- Precipitation
- Condensation
Which of the following is not a type of a cloud:
- Cirrus
- Cumulus
- Strata
- Stratus
Condensation nuclei are :
- impurities that support condensation.
- water particles that help in precipitation.
- droplets formed as a result of condensation.
- droplets that fall to the ground.
Which of the following is NOT correct ?
- Frontal rainfall: cyclones
- Convectional rainfall: 4 o'clock showers
- Cyclonic rainfall: mountains
- Relief rainfall : mountain barriers